Grand Challenges Impact Lab

2024 Student Blog

March 8, 2024

Some things stay the same


I took a break from staring at a screen and picking my brain about whether that one word on the slide could be a little bigger. Reality begins to set in. I haven’t left campus in 48 hours. I gotta go. Walking out of the gates of UTC, I toss in my earbuds and take…

The End


When trying to reflect, my mind goes to cliches to find a simple way to summarize the last 10 weeks. But this is impossible. No one metaphor or theme can accurately characterize our time in India. We all had different experiences and learned different things either through our work or about ourselves. Throughout the 10…

March 7, 2024

Something in the way


Growing up, I found my dad to be a real pain in the ass. Everything had a way it was supposed to be done. That’s not how you wash the car or fold your dress pants. Your files aren’t organized; your camera shake is showing up in the video; you’re articulating poorly in your presentation….

Things I will miss


With the program coming to an end, I’ve been reflecting on a list of things I will miss when I leave India. The 10 weeks here have been quite the journey, and it would be too long of a blog to include everything, so I’ve compiled a shorter list to save myself from excessive writing….

March 6, 2024

Words of Appreciation


What a time to witness greatness as each piece of our puzzle comes together. Our focuses, designs, and creations are budding into form like spring sprawling back home in Seattle. There have been days when I have witnessed thunder and rain, calm, windy nights, and even the dew shining from the early sun, which I…

Homebound: A Journey of Growth, Challenges, and Heartfelt Connections


As I sit here, reflecting on the whirlwind of emotions and experiences from my time in India, I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. The exhaustion is overwhelming, looking at my fellow peers’ dark circles and slumped faces. I know that we are all running on limited sleep, but this triumph…

March 5, 2024

We built a chair!


“Oh my god, I can’t believe it actually works” is my first thought when I saw Sanni’s (Rise Team member) kid sit in our prototype corner chair. We have been working on this prototype for almost 8 days straight, getting to Rise as soon as blogs are done and emerging from the workshop cellar just…

Grief and Gratefulness


It may sound cheesy, but I’m extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to spend an entire academic quarter in India. I’m grateful for all the beautiful things I’ve witnessed. I’ve seen beautiful people dressed in vibrant Indian clothing. I’ve seen houses painted in vibrant colors that remind me of the inside of my parents’…

March 4, 2024

For Me


Even though this is due on Monday, I write this the Thursday night Julian came because he said we need to reflect. This is my last week in India and my undergraduate degree so it really had me thinking about my experiences and why I even came to India in the first place. To do…

The Blessing of Struggles


I am told that now is the time to reflect on my experience in Bangalore. And I did set aside time to do that yesterday, but I got sidetracked. After a morning of work and some goofing around, I attended my most anticipated activity yet in Bangalore: pants tailoring. After 20 minutes of indecisiveness on…

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